by South Florida Golf Pro | Nov 30, 2022 | Deer Creek Golf Club, Fun Golf Facts, Golf course dress code, Golf News, Golfing, Golfing Etiquette
What Is Golf Etiquette for Beginners?
While there are different golf courses, the behavior and rules on the courses don’t change. It is important when you start golfing that you know the proper etiquette so you can play accordingly. What is golf etiquette for beginners? The experts at Deer Creek can help answer that.
There are three categories of golf etiquette to know:
- Consideration for other players
- Pace of play
- Care of the course
When people head to the course for the first time or even their 100th time, they should know basic golf etiquette for beginners.
Golf Etiquette for Beginners
Depending on the seriousness of the group you are playing with, you may or may not want to adopt some of the more formal etiquette practices. It is important to know the expectations of the group before the round starts. Whatever your group rules are, here is some basic etiquette you should follow:
- The lowest score on the previous hole tees off first.
- The player furthest from the hole goes first. This includes the green.
- Mark your ball when on the green while others are putting.
- Don’t walk in between a player’s or your own ball and the hole on the green.
- Be quiet while others are hitting their shots.
These are the universal etiquette rules unless the group has decided against them or on different rules for the day. It can also depend on the skill level of the group. If the group has a higher skill level, then the more traditional rules will work best. If the skill level is lower or mixed, then the game may move differently. However, the ability to play golf shouldn’t dictate the pace of play. If you’re new to the game, you can set a limit for yourself. Start with a stroke limit of 8 for each hole. Once you get to 8, pick up the ball and place it on the green to finish your hole from there. There are also etiquette practices regarding the pace of play:
- Write down the scores at the next tee box.
- Park your golf cart on the side of the green towards the next hole.
- When it’s your turn to play, make sure you are ready.
- Limit the amount of time spent at the turn (between holes 9 and 10), or let the group behind you play.
- Limit practice swings to 2. You should hit the driving range beforehand to get some practice in.
- If you are a larger group of 3 or more, send the first person to putt at the next tee box as soon as they are done with a hole.
It is easy to get wrapped up in your own game. Be mindful of the groups behind you to ensure they aren’t waiting for you and your group to finish every hole. If this happens 3 to 4 holes in a row, think about letting them play ahead of you, or you can play more quickly.
Contact Deer Creek Golf Club
Once you have these rules down, then you can check out our tee times and rates. If you have any questions about our course, then contact us today.
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What is Proper Golf Attire for Men?
Anyone who has watched or played golf can see the sense of formality, this mainly has to do with the attire worn by the players, the clothing etiquette, and how strictly they are implemented. So if you and your friends want to come to enjoy the beautiful greens at Deer Creek Golf Club, there are a few things you should know about the golf attire for men.
We broke it down into 5 main points to know before your next round with us! \
No T-Shirts Allowed
The proper golf attire for men is usually collared shirts. That is one of the most important rules about men’s golf gear. No t-shirts!, Polo shirts are as comfortable and cool as t-shirts, but this one has a collar!
Jeans Are Not Allowed
Khakis and golf slacks are the preferred option for men’s golfing clothing. Whatever color or material you may choose, there are a few rules:
- Must have belt loops and a belt
- Avoid cuffs (cuffs can accumulate sand)
- No denim material
Shorts are okay to wear when golfing, but they shouldn’t be too short or too tight. Shorts should be tailored like casual trousers and should be above the knee. These, like the golf pants, should have belt loops and a belt.
Wear Proper Shoes and Socks
This is a very vital one because your footwear is also protection. Rubber shoes or sandals should never be worn when on the golf course. Instead, there are specific shoes with soft spikes. The spikes are supposed to keep you from slipping, and the shoe itself is close toed for your protection as well. Golf shoes with spikes should only be worn on the course. It is best to arrive in other shoes then change into the golf shoes in the locker room.
When it comes to socks on the golf course, they should match the color of our golf slacks. If you are wearing shorts then the socks should be a lighter color and lower around the ankles.
Golf Clothing Colors
When it comes to the color of the golf attire, it is important to remember that brighter colors or loud patterns are a distraction to the group and other players on the course. If you are there with business associates or there trying to close a business deal, it is best to keep the colors and look more toned down and professional.
Contact Us
If you are interested in golfing with us, come check out our courses or contact us today!
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by lana | Jan 30, 2015 | Golf course dress code, Golfing
Golf Etiquette
Each sport has its own set of rules, and with those rules comes a different set of etiquette and behavior guidelines. If you are new to the world of golf, there are some basic golf etiquette rules that you should be familiar with.
In golf, the slowest player can be a source of frustration. Be aware of your place in the group, and if you are consistently the slowest, try to speed it up. Also, make sure your group is keeping pace of play with the group in front of yours. If you are not ready to go when it is your turn, encourage another player to go instead of wasting everyone’s time. Avoiding slow play is important for golf etiquette.
Keeping the course intact for the players behind you, is proper golf etiquette. Fix ball marks with a tee, and replace your divots. When you rake the sand, don’t leave deep rake furrows. This goes for your golf cart too. Be careful not to damage the turf, and avoid wet areas at all costs.
Everyday etiquette applies to golf etiquette as well. Keep your cell phoned turned off while you are on the green. A ringing phone can easily break a player’s concentration. Don’t break plans when you have told someone that you will meet them at the course. And help out when you can, by picking up stray balls and clubs left on the ground.
Golf is a great sport, and it is as relaxing as it is educational. Make sure to apply the golf etiquette you learned here at Deer Creek, and you will surely be invited back again!
by lana | May 30, 2014 | Golf course dress code, Golf Pro Shop, Golfing
Hitting the Golf Course: You’ve Gotta Dress the Part!
When it comes to the game of golf, one thing that has been consistent over time is that the golf course has a certain dress code as part of the game’s etiquette that players need to adhere by. While you don’t need a full golf uniform, there are some elements of your wardrobe that should adhere to the tradition of the game.
In general, a collared shirt and Dockers-style shorts or slacks will get you onto most golf courses (additionally, golf skirts or skorts for women). Many lower-priced courses also permit denim shorts or blue jeans. For comfort and practicality, a dri-fit style that wicks sweat away is a smart choice for golf courses, especially in the summer, especially in Florida!
Most upscale courses require collared shirts and have a no-denim rule. A very small number of (mostly private luxury) courses even have no-shorts rules, requiring golf slacks.
Sneakers or running shoes are sometimes allowed on golf courses, but not always. Many courses now require “soft” spikes made of hard rubber or plastic, not traditional metal. Furthermore, other types of shoes that may appear to offer the same comfort and stability are not necessarily permitted. Sandals are a definite don’t.
Since the level of requirements varies from course to course, it is a smart decision to call ahead and find out what the specific dress code rules are at a golf course before you show up. However, in the worst case scenario you’ll have to buy something from the golf pro shop that is acceptable.