Host A Corporate Golf Tournament for Charity

Whether this is your first time hosting a corporate golf tournament for charity or the fifth, the same obstacles are inherent when you plan a golf tournament, especially for charity.

Since planning a golf tournament for charity can be stressful, Deer Creek Golf Club always urges the event planner to relax. By hosting your charity event at our facility, our event coordinator will work with you to ensure that everything goes smoothly and as planned, so there is no need to worry.

Step 1 – Golf

It just wouldn’t make sense to plan a golf tournament and not actually play any golf, would it? The two most important factors to consider when planning a golf tournament are:

  • How many golfers will be participating?
  • What skill level is each player?

The skill level of the field will determine the tournament style. It’s vital that you know each player’s level when you plan a golf tournament. A good way to make sure you have this information is to include the question in the RSVPs!

Beginner golfers will do better at a scramble where two or more players are put on a team. Each player takes a chance hitting the ball, one after the other, until the ball finally goes into the hole. Each player switches tee off. Scrambles are fun and they maintain a steady momentum so no one becomes frustrated at a slower pace.

Intermediate golfers will enjoy a pro-am. Pit a good golfer and an intermediate golfer in competition with each other. Each pro-am fixture makes their way down the course at the same time.

Consult the professional golfers at the Deer Creek Pro Shop and we can work with you to modify any number of golf tournament types to suit your style.

Step 2 – Food & Drink

Anyone who has every planned corporate golf tournaments for charity will tell you that the expectations for food and drinks are high.

Deer Creek Grille has the facilities to host up to 300 guests and cook a variety of menu items for every hungry golfer at the tournament; making it a little easier to plan a golf tournament for charity at our facility.

Our event organizer and caterers will work with you to create a menu that all your guests will love!

Step 3 – Collecting Donations

And now for the real reason we are all here; charity! There are several ways to increase the amount of donations you collect at your charity golf tournament, here are a few:

– Pay to Play: offer a discounted rate for green fees and ask each player to pay to play.

– Putting contest: Players take turn hitting the ball around obstacles. The first one to sink their ball on the Deer Creek practice green wins. Each golfer pays to enter, and the winner gets a portion of the pool while the rest is donated.

– Driving Contest: The longest or straightest drive is the winner!

– Merchandise – Sell special golf balls. This is a popular charity collection method for most corporate golf tournaments for charity. Offer special golf balls or golfing gear that is either limited edition, typically very costly, or was previously owned by a notable name.


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