What Are Some Golf Tips for Seniors?

Deer Creek Golf Club understands the importance of continuously adapting your golf swing and game to your body as you get older. Our experts have put together some golf tips for seniors and older golfers. For more golf tips you can also check out our blog!

Let’s say you’ve been golfing your whole life and plan on continuing into your “golden years’ as a senior golfer. You’ve worked so hard on your game and as we age our bodies start to change, whether it’s loss of flexibility, your swing not going as far as it once did, or your stamina has diminished, there are many ways for senior golfers to feel like they’ve lost their skills.

Here are a few ways to help combat the parts of aging that can hinder the game. 

Older Golfers Tips and Tricks

Throughout this blog, we will break down our tips into three different categories:

  • Body
  • Equipment
  • Tips for The Game

 1 – Take Care of Your Body

Regardless of your age, taking care of your body and staying in your best physical shape will always benefit your golf game. Here are a few ways to take care of your body and increase the longevity of your gold game. 

Flexibility and Strength

The first step in golf fitness is flexibility and strength. Flexibility affects your swing, so focusing on stretching exercises. Other fitness exercises to increase flexibility will be extremely beneficial. When it comes to strength, there are many exercises to build up the specific strength needed for golf:

  • Single Leg Hip Circles
  • Highwire Shoulder Raises
  • Single Leg Chipping
  • Split Power Jumps
  • Squat Med Ball Rotations
  • Half Kneeling Resistance Band Rotation 

Warm Up Before Each Round

Before you play, arrive a little earlier and warm the body up. Do some warm-up stretches and get your body moving, start with some practice swings with a short iron, then a medium iron. Just get a few good stretches and swings in to get the body ready.

Don’t Over Warm up or Play

As much as it is important to prepare the body, it is equally important to listen to it. Don’t over warm up or over play and exhaust your body before the game even begins. Find a pattern of play that works for you! 

2 – Equipment Matters

What you play with is just as important as how you play. It is important to choose your equipment carefully. 

Clubs and Balls

The key to this is the shaft. Here are some ways to make sure your clubs fit perfectly to your needs:

  • Get fit for a senior shaft, they are available in different flexes that can help get some distance back into your game as the swing speed may slow. 
  • Move to a hybrid alternative instead of the long irons. 
  • If you aren’t a long-established golfer then it is best to keep a selection of wedges in your bag. 
  • Have the proper putter length, for a correct setup, the eyes should be positioned over the ball.
  • Check your grip size as well. If you struggle with arthritis then adjusting your grip size can help. A midsize or jumbo golf grip size can be the solution and make things easier on the hands. 
  • Find the ball that suits your game. The ball that professionals use isn’t the best idea for older golfers. A ball that has low compression with a rating between 70-80 will match up with a slower swing speed and help improve distance. 

3- Game Strategy

As golfers get older, their game should be redesigned to fit their abilities over the years. With our golf lessons and more, seniors can continuously audit and go over their fundamentals such as good posture, grip, stance, and alignment. 

The fundamentals also involve embracing a shorter backswing, working on your follow-through, and making sure you transfer your weight.

Contact Deer Creek Golf Club!

If you have more questions about our course, tee times, and golf tips for seniors, contact Deer Creek today!


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