The global COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses and citizens to shut down and go under a lockdown. Since mid-March, Deer Creek Golf Club has been closed. However, as of April 29, 2020, our golf course in South Florida has reopened and is ready for you to play again.
Broward County has given the authorization to re-open golf courses for play, on a limited basis, and under very stringent requirements to maintain social distancing and strict sanitation protocols to ensure your safety and wellbeing, as well as that of the staff. These requirements and protocols will significantly impact what we can do as well as the services we can provide to you and will result in a drastically different experience than what we customarily provide.
To ensure compliance with these requirements, our entire staff is being rigorously re-trained and instructed to adhere to the new operating procedures. To remain open, we must follow these rules. We need your cooperation to do so. On the bright side, you will again be able to enjoy this most wonderful game and the great outdoors as our golf course reopens.
COVID-19 Rules and Regulations
Before you can jump back into the swing of things, please familiarize yourself with the golf course at Deer Creek Golf Club’s COVID-19 rules and regulations listed below.
Clubhouse and Check-in
- Players will be responsible for bringing their golf equipment to a designated area. Our golf course staff will not be transporting any clubs or other equipment.
- Signage outlining the required social distancing guidelines will be placed outside the pro-shop and clubhouse.
- No indoor events will take place.
- Clubhouse entrances will be closed with no public access.
- Payment will be made by credit card only.
- Staff will always wear masks and gloves.
- There will be no locker room or bag storage. Only golf course restrooms will be available.
- We will encourage only one person in each restroom at any time (signage placed).
- Each cart and any rental equipment will be cleaned and disinfected before players’ usage.
- All sand containers, scorecards, pencils, towels, or other shared materials will be removed from golf carts.
- Driving-range hitting areas will be spaced at least 10-feet apart.
Note: Management reserves the right at any moment to limit play or close off sections of the golf course, including the short-game area or driving range, should players not comply with social distancing guidelines described above and/or other recommendations noted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.
Golf Course Preparations
- Cup Modifications:
- The cup will be raised an inch above the ground to prevent the ball from going in the hole to prevent flagpole touching
- All water stations will be removed.
- All ball wash units will be removed or locked down.
- All range-balls will be cleaned, with water and soap, after every pick-up before making them available for golfers. Baskets will be sanitized after each use.
New Local Rules
- One player per cart. There will be no exceptions.
- Carts will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Players may elect to walk if they do not wish to wait for carts.
- Rakes in all bunkers and carts will be removed:
- USGA suggests golfers “rake” with their feet instead
- Players will be asked not to touch or remove flagstick from the cups at any time
- Any putts that hit the cup or noodle will be considered holed
- All players must always stay at least six feet apart; a course ranger or other staff member will monitor player compliance on the course. No Shotgun starts will be allowed.
- Walking is allowed while maintaining social distancing requirements.
- All golfers are required to leave the golf course immediately after playing to prevent congestion and gathering on the property or in the parking lot.
Food and Beverage
- Restaurant entry will be closed.
- No sit down-areas will be allowed for eating.
- Staff will be required to wear a face mask and gloves.
- Beverage Cart on the Golf Course:
- Beverage cart staff will always wear face masks and gloves.
- Signage will be placed on beverage carts stating that no player will be allowed to touch anything on the beverage cart.
- Only the cart attendant will distribute items from the cart.
- The beverage cart attendant will place purchased items on the opposite side of the player’s golf cart in order to comply with social distancing requirements.
- For players that are walking, the beverage cart attendant will place the purchased items on the ground and the players will pick it up, per the social distancing requirements.
- In addition to beverages, the cart will offer a limited food menu.
- Players will be asked to pay with a credit card; the cart attendant will wipe down the credit card machine after each use.
Contact Our South Florida Golf Course
We understand there are a lot of new rules and regulations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These updated changes are not only to benefit you but also our entire staff. We must come together to overcome these times and collectively be safe. As our golf course reopens, we can’t wait to see you, from a distance, of course. Call us today at 954-421-5550 to begin making tee time reservations or contact us online.