The Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson Rivalry Match Set for Thanksgiving 2018

It’s a one-on-one showdown between two golf legends, and nothing is better than Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson on Thanksgiving weekend.

In one corner you have Tiger Woods, arguably the most famous golfer in history, and definitely one of the best to play the sport in the past 100 years – a legend in his own right that made (and broke) the Nike golf line singlehandedly [1].

In the other corner, you have Phil Mickelson who’s also a golf legend and widely considered the sixth best golfer of all time, placing him in the ranks of Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, and Bobby Jones [2]. Tiger is second on that list by the way.

And here they are, Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson, set for either Friday, November 23, or Saturday, November 24, Thanksgiving weekend 2018, at the Shadow Creek Golf Course in Las Vegas.

The payout for this game is a reported $10 million, which is no small purse, even for these too mega millionaire golfers.

Their relationship has been turbulent in past, too. During the 2004 Ryder Cup in Oakland hills, there was some interpersonal Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson steam brewing. They weren’t on speaking terms at the time, and they had no idea they were playing together on Team USA both are part of the 2018 Ryder Cup teams as alternates – here’s to hoping they play and are matched up. Now, that would be good T.V.

These days the two enjoy more of a friendly rivalry and camaraderie. Be sure to enjoy being your family to one of the best places to eat on Thanksgiving (us of course) and then enjoy a the match on Friday. 

We invited both Woods and Mickelson to a rematch at the best golf course in South Florida, but that invitation is pending.

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[1]: Business Insider – This chart shows why Nike is getting out of the golf equipment business

[2]: Golf Digest – Phil Mickelson: The Sixth-Best Player Ever?