Tips for Golfing With Dad on Father’s Day (And Doing it Well)

The best way to spend time with your dad on Father’s Day takes place at the same location you took your mom to for brunch! Instead of sipping mimosas in the clubhouse, you can hit the greens with dad. At Deer Creek Golf Club, our location is perfect for celebrating with both parents! The truth is that like our moms, dads just want to spend some quality time with us and maybe do a little outdoor activity too.

Dad’s love golf, it’s the perfect opportunity to drink some beer and enjoy the weather with his favorite child. We assume that’s you, and if you take him golfing for Father’s Day, it definitely is you! What more could a father ask for? The only aspect that could possibly damper this Father’s Day plan is your being afraid of embarrassing yourself in front of your dad. We got you covered on that front and are going to provide some tips on how to get prepped to not embarrass yourself in front of your dad on the golf course.

Go Get Some Practice at the Driving Range

Take some time to hit the driving range before you go golfing with dad. Even if it’s just to get some pointers or shake the nerves off, be sure you are prepared to golf with dad on Father’s Day.

Remember None of It Matters

The most important part of Father’s Day is spending time with dad. So, make sure you do just that. This might be the perfect time to actually bond with him. Let him give you some advice about golfing, let him give you a little grief about your bad putting technique, but most of all, don’t let him win. If there’s one thing that dads hate, it’s a pity round of golf. If you beat him he’ll be proud, if you lose he’ll be happy. There’s no downside.

No matter what, we encourage young men to take their father’s out for a day on the course. And if you are ready to have fun with dad, give us a call and play your best round of golf with dad on the best South Florida Golf course you haven’t tried yet.